Don’t watch Tik Tok videos

As a medium, short form videos (TikTok/Reels/Shorts) really do detract from life:

  • The interface is addictive so you’ll waste time you could be spending with people, building a second income, or furthering your education.
  • It’s highly stimulative, so you’ll shorten your attention span and your brain’s ability to learn or be still and present.
  • All you see is the finished product, the vacation, the wealth, the beauty, the success, the happiness, so it makes you dissatisfied with your own life and reality.
  • Filters and digital manipulation mean that most of what you see isn’t real.
  • It’s creating a culture where people will do anything for attention.
Tik TokJust deleted it! It’s also a Chinese company and you don’t know what they may be doing with your data.
TwitterAccessibility, display, and languages > Data usage > Autoplay and turn it off.
InstagramDelete the app and use on your mobile. This hides the Reels tab and stops autoplaying videos in the main feed.
FacebookDelete the app and use on your mobile. They hide marketplace on the tabs when browsing, but you can still visit to use it. This was get rid of Reels. You can also disable autoplaying videos using Settings & Privacy > Settings > Videos and turn of autoplay.
YouTubeDelete the app and use the mobile app to hide the shorts tab. Use Brave browser for a better experience and be able to use picture in picture, or background audio with the screen locked.